The Family Law Firm That Puts You First

Navigating Property And Finances Together

Dealing with property division and spousal support issues can make the divorce process extremely complex. The attorneys of Beattie | Onorato Family Law have decades of combined experience working with clients throughout Cook, Will, DuPage and Lake counties in Illinois. Having an attorney who understands the law and can protect your assets and income is important. At Beattie | Onorato, our motto is “Emphasis: You.” This means that, from beginning to end, we will do everything we can to secure your finances.

Protecting Your Financial Interests

Nearly every divorce matter involves dividing property. Depending on the length of the marriage and the incomes of the parties, maintenance (alimony) for one spouse may be appropriate.

Dividing property can be more complicated when couples have significant assets. Our team has experience with all types of high-value assets, from business interests, to trusts, to stocks, real estate, and other investments. Our attention to detail allows us to identify and locate undisclosed assets. When necessary, we partner with financial professionals to value your assets and ensure a fair division of property.

We safeguard each client’s immediate and long-term financial stability. In addition to property division, we can help with maintenance (alimony) if one spouse requires financial assistance during or after the divorce. A judge will evaluate many factors, including income, education, lifestyle and any custody arrangement in order to determine if spousal maintenance is necessary.

Proper Representation Is Crucial For Divorcing Business Owners

Divorcing business owners may face additional concerns as they also try to secure their company’s long-term success. One way to protect your business is by drafting a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement. These documents can explicitly list out what each spouse is entitled in the event of divorce, including your business.

If you do not have a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement in place, you still have options. For example, if you and your spouse are co-owners of a business, one can buy the other out. By partnering with financial professionals, we work to value your business to ensure a fair buy-out.

Don’t Wait Any Longer – Call Today

Each situation is different. There are no cookie-cutter solutions. Put your trust in our team of strong, knowledgeable attorneys. Schedule a consultation by calling our office in Chicago at 312-809-2750 today. You can also contact us online.